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The Dynamoose item represents an item for a given model in DynamoDB. This item can created locally (meaning it's not yet saved in DynamoDB), or created from an item already stored in DynamoDB (ex. Model.get).

An item is similar to a row in a relational database or a document in MongoDB.

new Model(object)

In order to create a new item you just pass in your object into an instance of your model.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});
const myUser = new User({
"id": 1,
"name": "Tim"
console.log(; // 1

// myUser is now an item instance of the User model[settings,] [callback])

This saves an item to DynamoDB. This method uses the putItem DynamoDB API call to store your object in the given table associated with the model. This method is overwriting, and will overwrite the data you currently have in place for the existing key for your table.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. Nothing will be passed into the result for the promise or callback.

You can also pass a settings object in as the first parameter. The following options are available for settings are:

overwritebooleantrueIf an existing item with the same hash key should be overwritten in the database. You can set this to false to not overwrite an existing item with the same hash key.
returnstringitemIf the function should return the item or request. If you set this to request the request that would be made to DynamoDB will be returned, but no requests will be made to DynamoDB.
conditiondynamoose.ConditionnullThis is an optional instance of a Condition for the save.

Both settings and callback parameters are optional. You can pass in a callback without settings, just by passing in one argument and having that argument be the callback. You are not required to pass in settings if you just want to pass in a callback.

const myUser = new User({
"id": 1,
"name": "Tim"

try {
console.log("Save operation was successful.");
} catch (error) {

// OR => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Save operation was successful.");


This deletes the given item from DynamoDB. This method uses the deleteItem DynamoDB API call to delete your object in the given table associated with the model.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. Nothing will be passed into the result for the promise or callback.

const myUser = User.get("1");

try {
await myUser.delete();
console.log("Delete operation was successful.");
} catch (error) {

// OR

myUser.delete((error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Delete operation was successful.");

item.populate([settings], [callback])


This method will make multiple calls to DynamoDB, which increases latency for your application. DynamoDB was not designed for this type of SQL operation. Instead of using this method, consider changing your data model to query DynamoDB and retrieve the data you need all in a single request.

This allows you to populate an item with item instances for the subitems you are referencing in your schema. This function will return a promise, or call the callback parameter function upon completion.

The settings parameter is an object you can pass in with the following properties:

propertiesstring \[string] \boolean
const user = await User.get(2);

try {
const populatedUser = await user.populate();
} catch (error) {

// OR

user.populate((populatedUser, error) => {
if (error) {
} else {


This function serializes the item with the given serializer. The serializer parameter can either be a string or object. If it is an object you can pass in the same serializer as you do into Model.serializer.add. If you pass in a string it will use the registered serializer with that name that is attached to the Model.

This function will return an object.

const myUser = new User({"id": 1, "name": "Bob"});

myUser.serialize({"include": ["id"]}); // {"id": 1}
myUser.serialize({"exclude": ["name"]}); // {"id": 1}


In the event no serializer parameter is passed in, the default serialization for the Model will be used.

const myUser = new User({"id": 1, "name": "Bob"});

myUser.serialize(); // {"id": 1, "name": "Bob"}


This function returns the original item that was received from DynamoDB. This function will return a JSON object that represents the original item. In the event no item has been retrieved from DynamoDB null will be returned.

const user = await User.get(1);
console.log(user); // {"id": 1, "name": "Bob"} = "Tim";

console.log(user); // {"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}
console.log(user.original()); // {"id": 1, "name": "Bob"}


This function returns a JSON object representation of the item. This is most commonly used when comparing an item to an object you receive elsewhere without worrying about prototypes.

const user = new User({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"});

console.log(user); // Item {"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}
console.log(user.toJSON()); // {"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}

Due to the fact that an item instance is based on an object it is rare that you will have to use this function since you can access all the properties of the item directly. For example, both of the results will yield the same output.

const user = new User({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"});

console.log(; // 1
console.log(user.toJSON().id); // 1


This method will return a promise containing an object of the item that includes default values for any undefined values in the item.

const schema = new Schema({
"id": String,
"data": {
"type": String,
"default": "Hello World"
const User = dynamoose.model("User", schema);
const user = new User({"id": 1});
console.log(await user.withDefaults()); // {"id": 1, "data": "Hello World"}